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'Take Me With You' - A Theological Reflection

Leopoldo Sanchez

Dr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez M. is the Werner R.H. Krause and Elizabeth Ringger Krause Professor of Hispanic Ministries, 系统神学教授兼康考迪亚神学院西班牙裔研究中心主任, St. Louis. 

The song “Take Me With You” begins with the bridge, which sets a proper tone for approaching the Spirit in prayer. Talking on the psalmist’s posture of wonder before God, 这首歌以对圣灵的两个问题开始和结束:“你往哪里去?? / Where are You leading?” Rather than seeking to discern the Spirit’s movement and direction on his own, 恳求者谦卑地请求圣灵掌管和引导他的旅程,更深入地把握他在创造和自己生命中的工作:“带我与你同行/我能与你同行吗??”

The first half of the first verse recalls the Spirit’s work of creation from the beginning, 在《博彩平台网址大全》的开头几节中,他盘旋在深水之上:“你在水面以上/又黑又深.” Even before the first day of creation, where there is darkness and light, evening and morning, the Spirit is already present and active. Before living things come into being, the Spirit is already there: “Even before the light / All was still asleep.” The Spirit precedes the light and brings creation and all creatures therein to life. A strong sense of the Spirit’s divine initiative comes through.

第一节的后半部分从记住圣灵在创造中的工作转到他在我们自己生命中的创造活动. 职业的流动是从圣灵过去的工作到他现在的工作, from the universal to the particular, 从圣灵在第一次创造的水中盘旋,到他在新创造的洗礼水中盘旋在我们身上. 圣灵藉洗礼降在我们身上,使我们成为新造的人:“当我在水里/你在我上面。.” Just like the Spirit was there when “all was still asleep,” the Spirit also was there even before we “knew” of His presence. Because the Creator Spirit is always ahead of us, the Spirit has the power to act freely and out of love for us. Thus we do not seek after the Spirit, but the Spirit seeks after us: “Even before I knew / You pursued me.这首歌强烈地表达了圣灵的神圣主动性,代表那些通过洗礼进入基督而进入新生命的人.

Naming the Holy Spirit explicitly for the first time, the first chorus confesses His work in the story of salvation from beginning to end. 圣灵的称号有一个谦虚的目的,就是强调圣灵与我们的亲近——他从下面来, 可以说:“你是圣灵/我的顾问和朋友/你一直在工作/从始至终。.副歌已经承认了圣灵的身份,指出了他跨越时代的主权(“从始至终”)。. Moreover, the Spirit, unlike the Son who is incarnate, remains unseen, which points to His mystery and transcendence. 从上面的移动从根本上强调了上帝和受造界之间的区别,因为圣灵的工作总是按照他的旨意进行,而不是人类的主动:“我们现在可能看不到你/但它不会阻止你的工作。.” A gratuitous image of the Spirit emerges, both in His relation to and distinction from those whom He makes holy.

The first half of the second verse recalls the great Pentecost, 救恩故事中的另一个重大事件是圣灵在楼上的房间里用火焰般的舌头降在耶稣的门徒身上:“你们在那房间里/在火中降下来.” The Spirit’s descent has a kerygmatic goal, 用各国已知的语言宣讲耶稣基督的福音:“语言爆发/像福音唱诗班一样”. 提到福音唱诗班,最重要的是传达了从听福音和讲福音而来的圣灵的喜乐, 而且还含蓄地暗示了福音的跨文化表达,通过吸引人们注意一种具有普遍吸引力的特定音乐类型.

第二节的后半部分描述了五旬节的影响在今天的教会中仍然可以感受到, 它就像一个房间,圣灵仍然在里面移动,并向我们揭示他的工作:“你在这个房间里/圣灵, You’re moving / Show us, Lord, / What You’re Doing.圣灵降临在“那个”房间也发生在“这个”房间,因为在这两种情况下,圣灵都赋予教会作见证的能力. 这节经文前半部分的直接上下文邀请我们祷告,求圣灵照亮我们的心,宣告神在基督耶稣里的奇事,并分辨圣灵在我们中间做什么,在我们中间的列国中宣告这样的奇事. The ongoing significance of Pentecost, of the enkindling fire of the Spirit, 让教会在我们这个时代重新唱出福音(“像福音唱诗班一样”),这在经文中得到了体现.

The first chorus repeats, reminding us about the Spirit’s being with us and above us. A second chorus then joins in, 它在两个更广泛的新标题:“你是圣灵/我的安慰者和平安?”的背景下,对以前使用的圣灵头衔(“我的谋士和朋友”)进行了解释.” Beyond accentuating the Spirit’s nearness to us, the chorus ultimately explains all the titles for the Spirit (counselor / comforter; friend / peace) in terms of the intercessory effects of His work for believers amidst the struggles of life: “When I’m in times of trouble / You intercede for me.第二段副歌清楚地表明,圣灵成圣的工作并没有在今生带来某种完美的圣洁. Instead, 圣灵在信徒生命中持续的工作,发生在罪性肉体所带来的生命苦难中, the devil, and the world. The Spirit does not abandon but accompanies us “in times of trouble.作者在描述圣灵的活动时融合了约翰和保罗的主题, 这表明安慰与平安——我们对圣灵的忠告和友谊的体验——来自于我们知道即使我们不知道如何祷告,他也会按照神的旨意在我们里面祷告.

The song ends with the bridge. 但现在,考虑到这首歌其余部分对圣灵工作的描述,这首歌的祷告有了新的含义. 我们现在来到桥前,但对圣灵要往哪里去,带领我们往哪里去,有了更深的感觉. It is a life in which the Creator Spirit forms us as baptized children of God, illumines our minds and hearts with the light of the gospel, puts a fire in us to proclaim this Gospel to the nations, and intercedes for us amid spiritual attacks. The Spirit does this work even apart from our prayers, but in this song we ask the Spirit humbly that He might also do this work among us. Come, Holy Spirit! Take me with You. Amen.

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